Food & Recipe

Almond Buns

Almond Buns for Burgers

Ingredients (yields 6):

  • 6 eggs
  • 3½ oz butter (or any other type of fat)
  • 1½ cup almond flour
  • 2 tsp baking powder


  1. Melt the fat at as low a temperature as possible. It has to be mixed in with the eggs, and there is no reason to scramble them by adding burning grease.
  2. Put the eggs into a bowl and mix them loosely together.
  3. Add the fat. Mix it in.
  4. Put the almond flour on top.
  5. Spread the baking powder as evenly as possible over the almond flour.
  6. Mix it all into a batter that is mostly free of lumps.
  7. Pour it into the molds. About ½ cup in each.